Explore the RestroFood Change Log for updates, new features, and bug fixes to enhance your restaurant management experience!
Welcome to the RestroFood Change Log! This page is dedicated to keeping you informed about the latest updates, enhancements, and fixes made to the RestroFood plugin. Our team is committed to providing you with the best tools to optimize your restaurant’s online ordering and delivery experience.
In this log, you’ll find detailed notes on new features, performance improvements, and resolved issues. We encourage you to check back regularly to see how we’re evolving and enhancing RestroFood to better serve your needs. Your feedback is crucial to our growth, and we appreciate your support as we continue to innovate!
Feel free to modify any part to align with your style or brand!
1. Added support for extra feature in single product page
2. Added Help Button In settings Field
3. Added Seleccted Delivery Method/Location Notifier
4. Added item count mini cart.
1. Added support for extra feature in single product page
2. Added Help Button In settings Field
3. Added Selected Delivery Method/Location Notifier
4. Added item count mini cart.
5. RestroFood POS Add-On: Fixed missing css Issues.
6. RestroFood POS Add-On: Fixed item Count.
7. RestroFood POS Add-On: Fixed product search issue
8. RestroFood Multi-branch Add-On: Fixed issue of persisting zip code from multi branch after switching to single branch mode
1. Added Multiple Product Card support in one page
2. Visitor can now save and remove their location.
3. Fixed shortcode attributes issue
4. Fixed repeated prompt for user location and zip.
5. Added Location and Zip Code selection notifier
1. Added Support Latest version of WordPress and WooCommerce
2. Fixed some other issues
1. Added Support for RestroFood Point of Sales Add-On
2. Released RestroFood Point of Sales Add-On
1. Added Option to place Category List either on the top or on the bottom(Set Category Position either to left or top from Settings > General Settings
> Product)
2. Fixed Order Limit On Time Slot calculation for pre-orders/different branches.
3. Fixed Branch Manager email notification issue, branch manager,kitchen manager(if All Order Show In Kitchen is set from Kitchen options) should now receive email notification on order placement from customer.
4. Fixed Delivery Boy Page, Delivery Boy Page should be update in every 10 second with new order for selected date. Orders will be listed if assigned to the delivery boy. Orders will be removed if delivery boy or the branch(in case of multi branch) is changed.
5. Fixed Delivery Boy Page, Delivery Boy Page should display Orders in order of assigned time.
6. Fixed terms under Attribute not maintaining order.
7. In Order List page,in the Order Modal Fixed Delivery Boy Bug.
8. In Order List page,in the Order Modal, the list of delivery boy is being update with different assignment of branch.
9. Add delivery date to My Account > Order view
10 Add delivery date to e-mail sent on order press
11. Fixed shipping address problem when it sets to optional
1. Removed font-weight from invoice settings.
2. Changed layout, fonts, line height in invoice printing.
3. Added delivery type and time in email.
4. Added delivery type and time in customer account order view page
5. Added All Pre order and Current Order switch buttons in branch-manager page.
6. Added checkbox to control print content in invoice settings.
7. Improved responsiveness in single column grid layout issue with shortcode “restrofood_only_products”.
8. Fixed Main Color issue with fixed-footer mini-cart.
9. Fixed date format while using Spanish language.
10. Fixed Empty email notification issue in certain order status.
11. Fixed modal disappearance issue in new order arrival in order listing page in admin area.
12. Fixed tooltip label issue with delivery time.
13. Show latest order first in order table in admin area.
[*] Added Product Order By price option
[*] Fixed Category based product filter not work
[*] Added Category excluded option
[*] Added time slot offset option
[*] Fixed Some CSS
[*] Fixed Footer Fixed Mini Cart Item count not show issue
[*] Fixed PHP error
[*] Fixed holiday translate name error
[*] Fixed some other issue
[*] Added WooCommerce Default checkout system support
[*] Added Global Product Extra addons option
[*] Added Ready to Pickup status Option
[*] Fixed product details variable price display incorrect format issue
[*] Fixed mini cart multiple quantity option issue
[*] Fixed HPOS error issue
[*] Fixed CSS issue
[*] Fixed some other issues
[*] Added High-Performance Order Storage ( HPOS ) compatibility
[*] Added option in invoice settings to change invoice font size and weight
[*] Added Thermal Invoice width add option
[*] Add category and sub category style
[*] Added user name display in all manager page
[*] Added option to show Mini Cart Globally ( Canvas Modal )
[*] Fixed thermal invoice layout issue
[*] Fixed delivery boy admin page order show without transfer issue
[*] Fixed filter by delivery date issue
[*] Fixed delivery boy quick status change list all statuses show issue
[*] Fixed wrong day name shown in pre-order date list on some time zone
[*] Fixed CSS issue
[*] Fixed some other issues
[*] Add option for custom delivery fee taxable
[*] Add “as soon as possible” option in time slot list
[*] Add product limit option in product shortcode
[*] Fixed product Tax include price CSS issue
[*] Fixed admin order AJAX warning
[*] Fixed strip card info field not show in checkout issue
[*] Fixed some other issues
[*] Fixed minimum order amount tax not calculate issue
[*] Fixed custom shipping fee not update issue in Footer Fixed Mini Cart Style
[*] Fixed translate issue
[*] Fixed some other issues
[*] Improved search result more specific
[*] Improved search request handling system
[*] Fixed some settings field condition not working issue
[*] Add address field hide option when delivery type Pickup and In-Restaurant
[*] Fixed some other issues
[*] Fixed Status filter DataTables warning issue
[*] Fixed delivery type pickup address field require issue
[*] Fixed order table status change notification duplicate issue
[*] Fixed some other issues
[*] Added Break Time show/hide option in Delivery Schedule widget
[*] Added quick setup admin page
[*] Improve admin responsive
[*] Improved settings option easier to settings
[*] Stop default pages duplicate create when re-active the plugin
[*] Fixed Cart same item increase issue
[*] Fixed some other issues
[*] Added Order bump
[*] Added Add to cart button text change option
[*] Added Delivery Type Only In-Restaurant set option
[*] Added variation description show option
[*] Fixed Delivery Availability Checker popup responsive issue
[*] Fixed some CSS issues
[*] Fixed translation issue
[*] Improved settings options experience
[*] Fixed Shortcode Generator unnecessary field issue
[*] Fixed some other issues
[*] Added Multi-site support
[*] Fixed admin top toolbar visibility issue
[*] Removed unnecessary Timezone option from restrofood settings
[*] Fixed day name translation issue
[*] Added status change option in the order table
[*] Added Checkout page billing and shipping fields customize option
[*] Added product rating and special instructions to hide option
[*] Added Delivery Schedule Elementor widget and shortcode
[*] Improved “Mini Cart Style Beside products” cart button display experience
[*] Fixed day name translation issue
[*] Fixed Time slot properly not working issue
[*] Fixed some error
[*] Improved performance
[*] Add Compatibility with Restrofood Multibranch Add-on
[*] Add new Shortcode for display only products
[*] Fixed delivery availability checker zip code select issue
[*] Add hook type support for “Restrofood In Restaurant Order Add-on” issue fixed
[*] Add Order Accept Button on Order Details Modal
[*] Fixed Admin Order Table Responsive Issue
[*] Fixed Admin page redirect issue
[*] Fixed some other issue
[*] Fixed my account page breakdown issue
[*] Add settings link in plugin action links
[*] Add Documentation link in plugin action links
[*] Fixed plugin deactivation settings option remove issue
[*] Fixed some other issue
[*] Fixed Elementor update error issue
[*] Fixed some issues
[*] Fixed some issues
[*] Category popup hide on category trigger
[*] Fixed Selected Category name not showing issue
[*] Fixed “Add to cart button show” settings option not working issue
[*] Fixed color change option not working issue
[+] Added option to set address in the shipping/billing from Delivery Availability Checker form when checking delivery availability
[*] Fixed Admin panel responsive issue
[*] Fixed product meta HTML show issue
[*] Fixed Product Grid Cart, Cart total default show $500 in responsive issue
[*] Fixed mini cart product price show without extra option price
[*] Fixed some other issues
[*] Restrofood Initial Release
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